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Using Topo Maps From



  • James Finlay

    Thanks for the tips on large scale map downloads.  My thinking might be backwards but I am always trying to figure out how much of Southern CA I can get on a 128 G SD card or on a 2 TB external drive.  My 4 wheel tours can be  spur of the moment (within perhaps a multi-county wide region) and I don't want to have to worry about sitting down and boxing my way thru a set of downloads specific for each trip.  Understood this is different than needs of a thru hike on the PCT.  So to me a "large" area is the size I can download into match my storage capacity.  Memory is cheap and if I can store the maps on a HD and then dump them into my Android tablet when needed, works for me. 

  • Gregdlind
    I did manage to download the utah-colorado file and the theme for MTB. Both seem to work, on my nexus 9 tablet. Will play with this next week during a spring trip to st George utah!
  • Nathan

    Well, now you could place all of California in 416 megabytes. Of course, you have to review it to see if the map is valid for your purposes.

  • James Bowen

    Worked for me as well. Downloaded Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California for a trip this summer. This is great, my Galaxy S5 has a 64gb card so bring it on with bigger and more details, woot! Thanks Nathan!

  • Gregdlind
    Went back to open android site and downloaded Idaho and Oregon. Same process, things seem to work great. Some of the zip files are unneeded and I delete after unpacking the original zip file. I did contribute to the open android site as you suggested. Thanks for this ability to get large areas downloaded. G
  • jegrjegr

    works like a charm for me, downloaded denmark and spain/portugal and put them in the atlas folder on my external sd-card.

    I also create maps with the MOBAC program, using version 1.8 as it still have the microsoft satellite views available. I can choose my own zoom levels up to 19.

    But the option that we try out here has the advantage that you can do it all from your mobile when you actual need the map.

  • Jimntempe

    Worked for me.  I put the AZ/NM map (around 350megs) on my HTC One along with the elevateXL style.   I did make a contribution to the map site.

  • Dave P

    Works for me, thanks Nathan.

    Any idea why the diagonal green lines (screenshot) ?  I don't see them in Nathan's example image.

    Nexus 4 / / Elevate L style

  • Jimntempe

    perhaps it was used to delineate ownership, like an indian reservation.  If you zoom out you might be able to tell if that's the case by the shape of the area with those lines.

  • Dave P

    @Jimntempe  Yes, you are correct.  It is over areas of National Forest and National Park.  But, the areas also use the green background, so the lines are redundant.  Not a big deal, but it does add unnecessary clutter IMO.

  • Jimntempe

    I wonder if it's the result of them using multiple databases to pull the underlying data from and that same boundary is in more then one database so it gets highlighted two different ways.

  • Dave P
    I think the map is from the OpenStreetMap project, so there may well be overlapping data sets.
  • Nathan

    I can narrow this down. This is definitely coming from the theme. There may be a reasoning behind it, but I also find it undesirable.

    One could probably remove the lines by altering the themes. Of course, knowing what to change involves understanding it a little bit.

  • Dave P

    Your right.

    If you delete, or comment out the following rules in the xml files, the diagonal  lines are removed.

    <rule e="way" k="leisure|boundary" v="nature_reserve|national_park|protected_area">
    <rule e="any" k="protect_class" v="1|~" zoom-max="13">
    <area src="file:/ele_res_l/p_nature-reserve.png" />
    <rule e="any" k="protect_class" v="1|~" zoom-min="14" zoom-max="14">
    <area src="file:/ele_res_l/p_nature-reserve_large.png" />
    <rule e="any" k="protect_class" v="1|~" zoom-min="15">
    <line stroke="#909DFF9C" stroke-width="0.84" stroke-dasharray="18,6,6,6" stroke-linecap="butt" />
    <area src="file:/ele_res_l/p_nature-reserve_x-large.png" />

  • Dave P

    I missed 1 closing tag in the code snippet above.  Should be:

    <rule e="way" k="leisure|boundary" v="nature_reserve|national_park|protected_area">
    <rule e="any" k="protect_class" v="1|~" zoom-max="13">
    <area src="file:/ele_res_l/p_nature-reserve.png" />
    <rule e="any" k="protect_class" v="1|~" zoom-min="14" zoom-max="14">
    <area src="file:/ele_res_l/p_nature-reserve_large.png" />
    <rule e="any" k="protect_class" v="1|~" zoom-min="15">
    <line stroke="#909DFF9C" stroke-width="0.84" stroke-dasharray="18,6,6,6" stroke-linecap="butt" />
    <area src="file:/ele_res_l/p_nature-reserve_x-large.png" />

  • Daniel Raymond

    Does anyone know if maps from this State of Michigan site will work on this app?,4570,7-153-10371_14793_55471-38330--,00.html#evart_motorcycle_trail  When I download one of the maps it shows in GPX, KML and SHP format.  Not the most technical guy.  Thanks

  • les hampson
    Could someone please provide me with a bit more detail on using openandromaps - specifically on using a style. Does BCN use Elevate 2 or 3? Thanks.
  • Nathan

    We are using 2.X style and will support 3.X in a week or two, I believe.


  • Lonerock44

    Openandromaps is a great addition. It was fairly simple to download before the recent changes but now it's even easier with the "backcountry navigator " button.Of course these maps aren't as detailed as the other BC maps given the file size but they are invaluable when you find youself out of internet range plus having the whole state downloaded is great. It's nice to have it on BC because I can use all of the great tools offered by BC. I'm looking forward to Elevate 3 and the advances it will bring.

    Thanks to Nathan and the crew  for a fantastic job in responding to the requests of BC users.




  • kar2run
    Cannot download the style link zip file to my Galixy 10.1 tablet. Worked fine on S5 phone. ??? backcountrynav-action:// Get web page not available message.
  • Nathan

    Kar2run, are you sure that you have the latest version on the tablet?

    Is there more that one browser on the tablet? Its possible that one of the browsers won't honor our registration. I would try Chrome if you know you are up to date.


  • Tom Ruppenthal

    Post up when 3x is ready. I briefly played with 2x last night but will wait for the update before I build a mapset. I like to have the options you offer with standard offline maps. Aerial imagery is nice in the back country especially above treeline.

  • Lonerock44
    Hi kar2run
    I was able to down load it on my galaxy tab pro 10.1 as well as my s5. I messed up on my first attempt so I had to go to my files and erase the incorrect file in BC navigator and then make a second attempt which was successful. I can't remem
  • Lonerock44
    Hi kar2run
    whoops, sorry for not completing the above.
    As noted above i went to "my files">device storage>bcnav and then to mapstyles and erased my earlier attempt. If it's not in map files it may be in"atlas'.
    Once you've erased it then go back and go back to syle page on openandromaps and try again to download the elevate 2 with the bc naigator button. I used the elevate 2L 320dpi and it worked fine. I'm not sure about the XL on the galaxy tab.
  • Scatter

    I just downloaded some OpenAndroMaps and they are pretty decent. Just sent a donation to them too. Hoping the 3x will be even better.

    Am having a problem though. I have lots of room on my new Samsung Tab A, 9.7" so downloaded CA, NV, OR, UT&CO and AZ. They're all there in the bcnav atlas file, but only four of them show up when I go to" MAP LAYERS, PREBUILT MAP, MAP FILE.

    What happened to the fifth one??

  • Nathan

    Nothing happened to the fifth one. The menu just shows the four most recent used. There is also a browse button on that page.

  • Scatter

    Thanks for the quick reply Nathan. Yeah I saw, and tried, the Browse button but it took me to a different screen and I couldn't find any way to locate my downloaded maps. I just spent more time clicking options in that area and found where the maps are located and am now able to access them.

    I guess my only comment, other then thanks for making this all available, is to allow more than four to be able to show on the drop down menu on the Map Layers option.

    LOVE BCN!!!!!

  • Dave P

    I would agree that map choosing can be a little convoluted.  Especially when you don't use the app every day.


    One thing in particular, is that if you use the Browse button,  or even select MORE MAP SOURCES > USE MOBILE ATLAS  it opens to the Download folder, not the BCNAV / ATLASES folder.  A few clicks later you are in the correct location to choose another option. I don't know about other devices, but the file structure on the Nexus 4 is convoluted itself so users can get lost in what should be an easy process.

    On another note,  I was using the app in the car a while back and noticed my location wasn't moving.  I restarted the app and it updated to my real location.  Had I been on foot, It would have been much longer before I noticed (the icon status did not change).  Perhaps a notification could be added that would alert the user if gps location is interrupted for any reason.


  • Nathan

    If I may comment here.

    Your OpenAndroMap downloads may be spread out because of a failure to standardize when this was a beta.

    Downloads is a reasonable place to look for things that people have downloaded straight from the internet. Moving files from computer to phone is a rather advanced case for many.

    The intention now, is that if you use Install on BackCountryNavigator as above, that you will choose a place, or use our default, and put all maps on there. Once that is done, the browse button should open to that location.

    I recommend that if you have put maps in a different place in the past, that you install at least one using this button and move all your maps there. The same with styles.



  • Dave P

    Your comments are always welcome, of course!

    Is  the default loactaion:  bcnav/atlases


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