Custom Map Sources are for using a tileserver or other map server of which you are aware.
They are not for:
- importing trail or waypoint data. See this topic instead.
- importing raster maps from geotiff or other file formats. See this topic instead.
Custom map sources have been around for a while, but they are still rather advanced for most people. We have some projects underway to make them easier to use.
In the meantime, this page has an example to help you get started.
Attached to this message is a file called "World Imagery.xml".
This uses a map service from ArcGis. Read more about this source and its terms and conditions below. As with all map sources, you are responsible for complying with the terms.
This can be placed in the bcnav/custom file on your storage for use. If you download this file in your mobile browser, it is often a mystery where the file goes. The answer is that files are usually placed in the <storage>/Download folder.
I am going to copy and paste this to my bcnav/custom folder.
It will then be visible to the BackCountry Navigator app.
To use this in Backcountry Navigator you can then use the never-intended-to-be-secret "More Map Sources" button.
Choose "Custom Map Source" at the bottom. If all goes well, you will see World Imagery as one of the choices in the next menu
If you choose edit you will see some of the details of this map sources that you can customize.
Here are a few things to note that you can customize:
MaxZoom: In the example. While more zoom sounds better, you might want less. If level 16 gives you enough, keep in mind that level 19 will take up to 64 times as much space. In addition, if you find a custom map source doesn't have this detail for an area you are interested, there is no reason to use this extra space for an image that says "No Coverage of this area yet.
Url template: You don't want to modify this unless you know what you are doing. These are hard to get right and easy to get wrong. But you may be able to follow the pattern for another map source of your own.
Batch Download: This controls whether the map source will allow you to download a region that you have marked, as you are accustomed to do with other map sources. Since the terms of this map source appear to be online only, it is marked as No. You will see this if you try to download a section.
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