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Downloading Maps



  • ernestp
    Cuando lo prueve ya comentare
  • Pete Larson

    I don't see mention of what is done about the overlapping rectangles.  Are these automatically corrected so they are downloaded just once or are they downloaded twice?  I may have read something about this before but I don't remember and I'm studying these guides to try to get a better handle on the details.

  • Dan

    Hi Pete,

    Yes. The application automatically sorts out any tiles you've downloaded previously and does not download it again.





  • James Finlay

    I am a newbie and downloading a map selection to an LG G tablet 8.3 (running Android) and do not see any download status indication.  Where can I check to see if the map is fully downloaded?  

  • Dan

    Hi James,


    It should be on the notification panel(top). 

    What version of Android are you using? you might want to see this:


  • Rick Harris

    I don't see the progress as % complete. All I see is a bar with bands moving along it. It's been downloading for 45 minutes now.

  • Dan

    Hi Rick,


    What version of Android do you have? Where do you currently set your default storage to?

  • Sebastian Dollinger
    How can I change the location the maps are saved to? I'd like to use my external sd instead of the internal one.
  • Dan

    Hi Sebastian,


    What Android OS version do you have?

    You can go to Menu > Settings > Storage Options and choose a new directory/path.


    If you are on Android KitKat 4.4.x - please see this:


    Thank you,



  • Pillstop


    I e-mailed myself a file.  How can I view this attachment to an e mail file in windows?  Online fixes bring me to programs that want to fix flaws on my computer.


    Can I look at these files on CritterMap?  Can I access my file on Critter map and print a map with 5 ft contour lines?


    Thanks, Mike

  • Dan

    Hi Mike,


    Have you tried using this software: to open the file in windows?





  • kurt finvik

    I got a samsung s4+. I have downloaded maps on my device. Almost full memory. Can i move the maps over to a SD card?   Kurt Finvik

  • Dan

    Hi Kurt,


    What Android version do you currently have installed?


    Please check this:





  • Deserthiker

    When I try to download maps and I get to the "Space available on disk" section I click on "proceed" and I get this message "Unfortunately, BackCountry PRO has stopped.  No other explanation. Where do I look next?

  • Deserthiker

    When I try to download maps and I get to the "Space available on disk" section I click on "proceed" and I get this message "Unfortunately, BackCountry PRO has stopped.  No other explanation. Where do I look next?

  • Deserthiker

    How long does it take to get a response? Minutes, hours, days, or weeks?

  • Pete Larson

    Desrethiker, When did you send your request?  I am a user and not a rep for BC Nav.  I see your posts above dated 6-2-15 but I saw them show up on 6-7-15.  At any rate, judging by the times on your posts, it looks like you got impatient after a few minutes and you gave very little info.  What available space do you have?  What device do you have?  What android version do you have?



  • Dan

    Hi Deserthiker -


    Sorry about that, some posts does not go through our automated spam filter and we clean them up once every week manually. There's literally hundreds of spam comments that we need to filter through.

    Please comment with your answers based on Pete's question and we can work from there.

    Hi Pete, 

    Thanks for that! you did ask the right questions :)






  • Joe Sauer

    Is there a way to download a map without doing the rectangle-select of an area? I want to hike the PCT through all of Washington state, but the select process is very tedious because I can't do it at a large zoomed out view so it looks like I have to do a zillion select/scroll steps. Maybe I'm an idiot but that's all I know.

  • Dan

    Hi Joe,


    Unfortunately, No.

    We do not encourage download very large parts actually (android has a file limit of 4Gb downloads). 

    Did you want to download the entire state?





  • Dan

    This discussion here maybe helpful : 



    thank you,



  • Joe Sauer

    What I really need is the PCT in Washington. The ability to load PCT maps by state would be wonderful! It seems pretty clunky to me to have to do the select-and-drag through an entire state.

  • Olin Lathrop

    I'm going to head off to Arizona for two weeks in less than a week.  I will have 1 1/2 weeks spare to bump around the hinterlands as I feel like on the fly.  I managed to download all US Forest service maps of AZ and the western half of NM, and now I'm trying to download the OpenStreemap data of the same area.

    While I really love most things about Back Country Navigator Pro, the download process seems neelessly tedious and error prone.  Unless I'm missing something, you can only mark areas for download at zoom level 10, which is very small for size of AZ.  Even so, when I laboriously scroll and define all the rectangles, it doesn't download everything, but doesn't tell me anything went wrong or try to fix it.  There are various random gaps at various zoom levels.  Since it's effectively impossible to check all data at all zoom levels is really in the cache, I can't trust it.  I don't want to be hiking around and find out the area I happened to be in is missing.

    Yes, I know I'm asking for lots of data.  However, if that's how I want to use the memory on my device, my internet bandwidth, and am willing to wait a few hours, that should be my business.  I see above that you do "not encourage" downloading large areas, but why do you care?  I don't know where I'll be in AZ and western NM, and want all of that data on my device.

    I found that downloading one screen full only at a time seems to work better, but it's a very slow and tedious process because every 30-60 minutes I have to interact with the device to acknoledge something or select more to download.  I want to plunk one large rectangle over AZ and western NM, then let it crank for a whole day if that's what it takes, as long as in the end I can trust all the data is really there.

    Another tweak that would make this process easier is not to have to wait for it to calculate the download size, then have to acknowledge it again.  I want the button that say "Yes I know it's a lot of memory.  I don't care.  Just do it.".  If I run out of memory, it can stop and throw up a error window or something.

    Sometimes it's been taking much longer than usual downloading screen-size areas.  Late Saturday it stopped working, didn't work Sunday at all, and now seems to be downloading but very slowly.  It's been stuck at 6% downloaded for the last 10 minutes.  At this rate, and considering I have to work a day job, I'm not sure I can get everything downloaded by the time I leave and won't have internet access anymore.

    Am I missing something?  Is there a better way?  If not, any comments on why it needs to be this way or, hopefully, that this will be addressed in the future?

    In case it matters, I'm running Back Country Navigator Pro on a Nexxus 7 tablet running the latest version of Android.

  • Dan

    Hi Olin,

    I'm not sure why but can you confirm before downloading, the max zoom level you can choose is level 10? I tried it and I can go to level 15-16 and choose the "MAX ZOOM LEVEL" as well after you hit the "download" tiles icon.


    Another tweak that would make this process easier is not to have to wait for it to calculate the download size, then have to acknowledge it again.  I want the button that say "Yes I know it's a lot of memory.  I don't care.  Just do it.".  If I run out of memory, it can stop and throw up a error window or something.

    > There are actually limitations with how much you can download at a time within android. for now, it's maxed at 4Gb and there is no work around for it. 

    The maps are handled by various servers and the download rate maybe affected by the number of people downloading/accessing that particular map source. Some of them are public. 

    Our devs are working continuously to make the downloading process as seamless as possible. Please bear with us as we have a particularly small dev team trying to accommodate everybody's requests.


    Thank you for your consideration.





  • Olin Lathrop

    Hi, Dan.  The max zoom level for download is 16.  That's what I need.  I will be hiking with the tablet in the back country, so I need the detail.  I need that large area because I don't know where specifically I'll be, other than various places in AZ and western NM.

    I've had no success in the last few days getting anything except tiny test patches to download.  Downloading screen-size rectangles at zoom 10 worked fine during the day Saturday, but stopped Saturday evening and hasn't been working since.  I've tried two different WiFi hotspots with completely different internet feeds, and it makes no difference.  Both are working fine for other internet access.  Last night one download started and got to 6%, then hung there for 45 minutes when I killed it.  The first 6% only took a few minutes.

    Just now I tried a small patch of only around 1000 tiles.  It blasted thru them in a few second until it got to 70%, then froze up for 10 minutes when I gave up.

    This really smells like something related to the software, not the internet connection or the server. It's now only a few days before I get on a plane, and I'm getting worried.  This was going to be the first serious use of the software since I got it, but without the stored maps it won't do me any good.

    Is there perhaps some issue with the software so that it has problems downloading if the cache already has 10-15 Gb in it?

  • Dan

    Hi Ollin,


    It could be the cache - have you tried clearing the app's cache and Android's Cache (Menu > Android Settings > Storage > Cache storage)?


    please advise if it does help and sorry for this frustration.




  • Olin Lathrop

    Hi, Dan.  I don't have the tablet where I am now.  I'll try this evening.

    I can see the point of clearing the Android cache (I didn't know it had one), but wouldn't clearing the app cache delete all the tiles I did manage to download?  I don't have time between now and when I leave to recover from loosing everything I have so far.  It was pretty tedious getting all the National Forest data for AZ and western NM.  I'd rather not do that again, and I probably don't have time for that before I leave anyway.  I'd rather do nothing than risk loosing data I already have (around 15 Gb).  Unless you tell me that the "tile cache" is different from the "app cache", I don't want to take a chance on messing with it.  Please let me know.

  • Dan

    Hi Ollin,

    but wouldn't clearing the app cache delete all the tiles I did manage to download?  > this is the cache for the map tiles saved on your device's temp folder for Maps that are "streamed". 

    If you downloaded the tiles - it should still be saved there (either on the main tile cache or a specific map folder/package)


    Also, it would be sound advice if you back-up your downloaded data to your PC - this will save you a lot of headache in the future.





  • Olin Lathrop

    I got home and tried it.  From the Android "internal storage" screen, I deleted all cached data.  Just in case, I then powered off the device and had it completely reboot.

    I tried downloading a small part of a screen at zoom 10, about 17,000 tiles (a full screen is around 160,000 tiles).  It went OK for a while, then hung when it got to 50%.  After that, the app won't even load tiles anymore interactively as I'm panning around.  It seems getting any kind of data over the network is now completely hosed.  I checked, and "Online&Cached Tiles" is checked.  Other network access works fine, so it doesn't seem to be the WiFi or network connection.

    Now what do I do?

  • Dan

    Hi Ollin,


    Can you please send a log while the download hangs up? (

    After you send that log, I will escalate this to our devs. 


    Thank you,




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