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OS OpenData



1 comment

  • Chris Smith
    Hi Nathan,

    The current Multimap OS tiles may be a little out of date with the newly released data from the OS this week.
    Could be worth an update as part of ongoing app support.

    However, the look and feel of the classic OS maps in the current Multimap tiles is the strongest selling point for UK purchasing of Backcountry Navigator. Please keep the look and feel of this very popular and long-standing printed map series! :)

    As far as extra layers, specifically for the UK leisure market, "OS Open Names" would be useful for leisure location search.
    "Open Rivers" would be great for the UK waterways scene. We still have a working canal system from industrial revolution, which is a popular touring activity for families and retired couples.

    A magazine review of a good app for waterway navigating in one of many printed magazines of FB groups in the UK, could be highly lucrative for crittermap in terms of European uptake.

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