** GPS is not turned on by default. You have to turn it on when you need it, i.e., when using My Location (center) and when recording a track.
*BackCountry Navigator only uses your device's GPS to identify your position. It does not use cell towers or WiFi to determine your location. Hence,acquiring your location will only work outdoors. Another downside of solely using GPS for determining your location is that it quickly consumes battery power. To circumvent this,you can turn off the GPS by clicking on Stop using GPS (saves power) button from the Location menu.
Turning on GPS
To enable automatically Centering on you Location, the GPS functionality of your device needs to be enabled.
1 - Go to Settings
2 - Then Location Services
3 - Make sure that the GPS Satellites box is checked/ticked
Centering the map on Your Location
To use your device's GPS functionality to automatically center on you current location;
1 - Click on the Location icon
* This will open up the Location Menu; which gives you the option to [2] automatically center on you current location and [3] record a track
** Click My Location, it will then inform you that GPS Location has been activated [A]
You will be able to figure out if your device has successfully locked your location by seeing an [B] arrow like icon
Recording a Track (Detailed Info HERE)
When you click on Record Track; you will be presented with a new menu, which enables you to:
1 - Stop the track recording
2 - Pause the track recording
3 - GPS View
**But before you start recording your tracks, we must create a TRIP Data first; to fully customize your track data
Creating Trip Files
1 - Create New (Empty) Trip File
You can give your trip file any customized name. To verify and check the current trip file you are using you can click on the Trip Data icon, it would show the current trip file, how many waypoints and tracks you have on them.
The default directory for the trip data is : root//sdcard/bcnav/data/<custom_trip_name>
2 - Load Existing Trip (click on Switch to another trip database)
You have the option to load existing saved trips including their waypoint and tracks data; again, to verify, click on the Layers Icon
** Loading existing trips will also give you the option to Delete a Trip after you make a selection.
3 - List Tracks/ Waypoints in trip: Trip Name
This menu will give you the option to search for [2] waypoints saved from a custom [1] trip
More details HERE on Creating Waypoints
4 - Close Trip - will basically close the custom trip you are currently on. Verifiable via the Layers Menu 
5 - Import GPX/KML
GPX (the GPS Exchange Format) is a light-weight XML data format for the interchange of GPS data (waypoints, routes, and tracks) between applications and Web services on the Internet.
The GPX 1.1 schema was released on August 9, 2004. GPX has been the de-facto XML standard for lightweight interchange of GPS data since the initial GPX 1.0 release in 2002. GPX is being used by dozens of software programs and Web services for GPS data exchange, mapping, and geocaching. (source: http://www.topografix.com/gpx.asp)
For more info on GPX, click HERE
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<gpx xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1" xmlns:gpxx="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/GpxExtensions/v3"xmlns:gpxtpx="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrackPointExtension/v1" creator="Oregon 400t" version="1.1"xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1/gpx.xsd http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/GpxExtensions/v3 http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/GpxExtensionsv3.xsd http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrackPointExtension/v1 http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrackPointExtensionv1.xsd">
<link href="http://www.garmin.com">
<text>Garmin International</text>
<name>Example GPX Document</name>
<trkpt lat="47.644548" lon="-122.326897">
<trkpt lat="47.644548" lon="-122.326897">
<trkpt lat="47.644548" lon="-122.326897">
Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is an XML notation for expressing geographic annotation and visualization within Internet-based, two-dimensional maps and three-dimensional Earth browsers. KML was developed for use with Google Earth, which was originally named Keyhole Earth Viewer. It was created by Keyhole, Inc, which was acquired by Google in 2004. KML became an international standard of the Open Geospatial Consortium in 2008. Google Earth was the first program able to view and graphically edit KML files. Other projects such as Marble have also started to develop KML support.
The KML file specifies a set of features (place marks, images, polygons, 3D models, textual descriptions, etc.) for display in Google Earth, Maps and Mobile, or any other geospatial software implementing the KML encoding. Each place always has a longitude and a latitude. Other data can make the view more specific, such as tilt, heading, altitude, which together define a "camera view". KML shares some of the same structural grammar as GML. Some KML information cannot be viewed in Google Maps or Mobile. (source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyhole_Markup_Language)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"> <Document> <Placemark> <name>New York City</name> <description>New York City</description> <Point> <coordinates>-74.006393,40.714172,0</coordinates> </Point> </Placemark> </Document> </kml>
6 - Share Trip Data
You can share your trip data via the internet, as a GPX file and as a KML file.
For sharing using the internet, you must have an EveryTrail Account, you can create one HERE
7 - Find Trails (in association with EveryTrail.com)
Creating Waypoints
**There are two methods in creating waypoints.
1 - Using the Crosshair as point of interest
2 - Long-pressing on an area of the map (active)
1 - Using the Crosshair for Waypoint Creation
Click on the [1] Waypoint creation Icon (WCI) to create a waypoint manually based on the location of the [2] crosshair, as your point of interest.
After tapping the WCI, a pop-up on the are of interest with corresponding coordinates will enable you to create a custom name for your selected waypoint.
Clicking on the Action button , allows you to either; save, center, goto, or delete the waypoint.
**Measure and Create Routes
When creating a waypoint via the icon, you'll have an option to [1] Measure and Create Routes
Option 1 Lets you save your created and measured route [ from point a to point b]
Option 2 Undoes the last created point (e.g. a or b)
Option 3 Creates the route
Option 4 Ground Guidance Route (beta) which is basically a guide on which terrain or path you will you, take note that this is still in beta phase and some routes may not be 100% accurate
You can choose a custom name for your route and choose the guide type, either by Foot, ATV, Jeep, Water or Trail.
in this example, the guide shown is when using a JEEP to navigate the said points.
2 - Long-pressing on an area of the map (active)
*before you can utilize this feature, you have to first enable it by going to the settings menu
Then Enable Long Click On Map
To begin creating a waypoint using this method, simple long-press on an area of interest on the map/screen.
and it will again give you options to name your waypoint and save it/edit/cancel.
** Editing / Deleting Waypoints
Simply click the TRIP DATA Icon (which looks like a folder) and choose,
It will then open up the available waypoints for your selected trip and will give you the option to, Edit, Center, Goto or Delete a waypoint.
The BCN app currently allows only one trip database to be shown at a time. But I think this feature can easily be added by letting the user select more than one trip database on the TRIP DATA -> ‘Click to Change Trip Database’ screen before returning to the map screen.
To toggle your CAMPING data on and off, you might try creating another trip database that combines the CAMPING data with your trip data. Then you can toggle between this trip database and the database that contains trip data only.
A new feature has been added that allows you to make mass changes to tracks or waypoints in a trip database. These are the ‘batch’ options as explained in section 4.d.iii.2 of the user manual.
This feature is enabled by clicking the square ‘Select All’ icon on top of the waypoint list screen (TRIP DATA –> List View –> Waypoints). You can then select/unselect waypoints in batches and delete them, or copy them to another trip database. This feature doesn’t include a batch option for setting a waypoint icon for a collection or waypoints. But this can easily be added in a future firmware release, since the basic feature is already in place. (Note that tracks have a few extra batch options, including Color, Export, Show, and Hide.)
Hi Brad,
When you say downloaded from Google Earth, you meant you got them from Google Earth and want to MOVE them to BackCountryNavigator?
Did you try to IMPORT the .kml format waypoints via the app (BackCountryNavigator)?
Hi Hunter,
The info is available for the whole track itself but for you to get measurements on different segments of the track - you will need to use the measure option.
Not sure but for reference sake, can you please advise of an app that does this without using some sort of measurement tool?
So, after opening a downloaded gpx file from a recorded route, I want to get trip info on whatever sections of the route I'm considering (ie. distance and elevation gain between way points or some other randomly chosen positions along the loaded gpx route).
I can't find a way to do this without using the "measure and create" feature; which basically requires a very time consuming, tedious and inaccurate attempt at retracing the gpx route in the map. Besides being extremely difficult, given the many turns of the route, it kind of defeats the purpose of loading a gpx route if I have to meticulously retrace the whole route on the map myself. Providing basic trip data for selected sections of a recorded route is a basic GPS function, and super easy for any computer to calculate. Why isn't this available or so difficult to figure out in the app?
Please describe how to start navigating a track/route. A logical place for that option would be in the Track detail page, but this only has 'centre on the map'. Should the track be copied to a trip first? What is the trick?
It's possible to change all waypoints at once in a GPX or KML file by doing a 'replace all' operation. GPX file changes are explained in: https://crittermap.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/215563623-Icons-for-Waypoints. You just need to replace the name in the <sym></sym> tags.
For KML files, the name in the 'styleUrl' tags must be replaced. For example the tag for: <styleUrl>#triangle_red</styleUrl> should be changed to: <styleUrl>#camp_site</styleUrl>
KML files also need an identification tag for the new icon:
<Style id="camp_site"> <IconStyle> <Icon>
</Icon> </IconStyle> </Style>
This can be placed under the <Document> tag on top of the file as shown in the KML sample above.
PS: You are correct in the assumption that I work for the company, but only part-time at about 10 hours per week. It's one of my remote online jobs.
Hey James,
Thanks for the detailed reply! That's excellent. Do you work for the Critter company?
I thought of doing the "one database with it on, one with off" but it just adds complexity. I don't have any issues waiting if something may be added later on. Having the ability to "layer" waypoints/tracks/kmls would be MOST excellent. It'd be similar to Google Earth where you can add and remove layers as you need them.
I'll check out the batch options in the user manual, but sounds like I will need to wait for icon changing. I tried to pre-modify my KML to include the correct icon BEFORE importing into BCN, but it didn't work for me (probably user error)
Thanks again,
PS. Assuming you are with the company, I thought I'd mention that I absolutely LOVE the APRSDroid integration. LOVE. I use APRSDroid all the time, and hate it's offline maps... and the fact I have to view it in a different app than my mapping app. To have the ability to overlay my APRS objects like repeaters and other vehicles right on top of my navigation maps is EXCELLENT!
As long as the GPS arrow icon is at the cross-hairs, the pop-up for the compass should track the cross-hair coordinate location. If the GPS location gets off-centered by scrolling the map, you’ll need to re-center it with the My Location button.
Hi Graham,
Have you tried pulling down the compass (just in case you didn't), the coordinates are there or do you really need the to be on the center of the crosshairs? I will need to make a request ticket for this.
Thank you,
Hi Dan,
I've just subscribed to the Pro version after running the demo for a while.
I would like to know if it's possible to display the coordinates of the centre cross hairs on the main map screen?
I use this feature in other mapping apps for planning and identifying locations to plot tracks and routes to. This is generally done 'real time and on the road'. Being able to see the map and the co-ords at the same time would be very useful.
Thanks and regards,
This is great! Easy to follow guide.
One question, now that I've created a couple of routes, how do I delete them? I don't want to have them on my map all the time.
Bear with me I am very New to the Program. I have downloaded my waypoints from Google Earth via KML the waypoints do not have the names associated with them. Did I do something wrong?
Hi Herb,
You can either delete the default trip and start from scratch (this way, it does not change any of the other settings you have in place, but would still clear your trip data) or you can uninstall it and start all over again but I think the former should work just fine.
Thank you,
Hopefully I've learned my lesson and won't repeat this again. I only need about 10-15% of the waypoints I imported, so I guess I'll just bite off bite-sized pieces and delete 10-20 at time.
As I'm just really starting to learn BN, I'm also just starting to learn Google Earth, so I now realize about setting up a subset of waypoints in Google Earth's My Places that I can then import into BN.
I have to think if I'd even want to do it, but could I uninstall BN, and then reinstall it with a clean slate? I do have a few Pro version add-on maps though,
Hi Herb,
did you want to delete all the waypoints in the default trip file that you imported or a select few?
You would have to manually delete them if you have imported waypoint data in the default trip database that you don't want deleted unfortunately.
Thanks Dan, but best as I can tell, I seem to have imported the waypoints into the default trip database, and not a saved database. Probably not my best moment.
David, TRIP Files were created for that purpose.
Herbert, deleting the trip file you saved it will do the trick.
Here's more about creating trip files : http://support.crittermap.com/entries/23741197-Creating-Loading-Trip-Files-
I imported a large kml file with lots of waypoints, and maybe I got a little carried away. Is there a way to delete a large number of waypoints all at once, or do I have to delete the ones I don'twant one at a time?
I've just imported 35 track/waypoint files for a forthcoming vacation, but I don't want them cluttering up my screen when I go to either load an existing trip or create a new one. Ideally, they should be grouped under location in a sub-folder. Is it possible to do this and to be able to call them up in BCN without having to move them around with a file manager?
Sigh - another thing I never noticed. The down arrow to get routes instead of waypoints. I just thot the routes would show up on the waypoint list.
How do you get anything useful done when people like me ask all these dumb questions. I can't believe the service you provide. OUTSTANDING!!!!!
To delete a route.
Click the Trip Data icon
then tap List Tracks/Waypoints
Then, click the Options Icon
and select to display the Nearest Tracks
Choose the route you want to delete and tap on it.
Thank you.
I hope this helps.
Hey all,
I organize all my mapping data in Google Earth on my desktop. I export certain things to KML and then import on BCN (pro).
For example, I have one KML that contains about 500 provincial rec camp sites, their location and details about them, etc.
For my purpose, it'd be ideal to have a "Trip Database" called CAMPING or something like that, to which I can toggle it on and off depending on what's going on.
Firstly, is there any way to enable multiple trip databases, so I could keep certain items (like 500 rec sites) from always showing, until I toggle them on? Like a layer in GE.
Secondly, is there a way to edit my trip databases to make mass changes to the waypoints? I would like the rec sites waypoints to have a little camping icon instead of the default triangle, but I don't want to edit 500 of them individually on my phone.
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